Friday, 5 December 2008

Vive la difference

The lesson was about charity advertising associated with gender response to direct mail. There were 3 charity ads.
Number one was an ad for Dr. Bernardo’s charity, number two was for a cancer research and number three was an ad about giving blood.

The first is about small lonely girl, which showed a small girl with sad eyes which obviously played on individual emotions. Coupled with the voice over this portrayed a little girl lost without a future.

The Cancer Research UK charity was structured in an such a way to show happy people who were previous cancer sufferers, followed by a happy event in the girls life which was showing her emotions at the thought of her mother who was absent due to affect of cancer. The words used “My mum should be here” showed the emotions she was experiencing during her most important day during her life. I consider that ad was most touching of the ads we reviewed.

The last ad was based on “Do something amazing, give blood”. Once again showing people giving gratitude for the fact anonymous people had possibly been touched by the advert to give blood thereby saving someone’s life. It is known fact that many people give blood regularly. This advert is designed to encourage even more people to give blood on a regular basis.

These ads are made in a such a way to appeal to peoples minds, and shock their feelings in to action.

Adverts are designed to impact on peoples feelings, and as such are made with dramatic events which when viewed cause uproar and sometimes result in the ad being banned. This still made people discuss and take action so achieved the original aim of generating funds for the charities.

The best way to understand the charity advertising sector is to work within a charity and gain experience of producing a dramatic eye-catching ad with as small amount of expenditure.

The second part of our task was to observe a picture taking in as many details as possible. This showed that males and females have a different approach to how they perceive an advert. Males are responsive to ads that show psychical strength and portray ambition. Women respond better to softer ads that stress, beauty and youth.

In conclusion, the biggest challenge for advertisers is to produce a charity ad at the lowest possible price at the same time using all the tricks available so that it grabs the most media attention, appealing to both genders to gain most attention.

1 comment:

Ruth Hickmott said...

Wasn't the Ninos Con Cancer advertising touching? Another interesting posting - thanks